Traductrice indépendante : du français ou de l’allemand à l’anglais

Traductions dans les domaines de l’aide humanitaire, de la littérature et des jeux de société


  • Diplôme supérieur ès études de traduction (mention bien) (Postgraduate Diploma in Translation Studies)
  • Licence ès langues modernes : française et allemande (BA Hons. in Modern Foreign Languages: French and German)
  • Membre affiliée du ITI (institut de traduction et d’interprétariat)
  • Traductrice bénévole pour l’ONG Entrepreneurs du Monde depuis 2013


Spécialiste en : Traduction dans les domaines de l’aide humanitaire, de la littéraire et des jeux de société.

Spécialités supplémentaires : Musique, psychologie.


Free Print and Play

Insure-A-Lot: A Print and Play game for one or more players. Welcome to the Insure-A-Lot helpline. Your call is important to us. Choose from the...

Games I’ve translated and edited

Games I’ve translated through Board Game Circus include: Games I’ve edited through Board Game Circus include:...

Who is Harriet Cooper?

I live near Exeter (UK) with my husband, two teenagers, our Cockerpoo and several tropical fish. When I’m not translating, we’re often engaged in a...

Anti-discrimination statement

Everyone has equal value. It’s important to me that everyone feels that they have equal standing in this world. That everyone is allowed a voice...


Game Review: FOUL PLAY

(After Dinner Murder Mystery) Disclosure: After Dinner Murder Mystery provided me with a free copy of Foul Play to review. My opinions are my own...

Game Review: Cosmic Voyage

SAVANIA GAMES Disclosure: Savania Games provided me with a free copy of Cosmic Voyage to review. My opinions are my own. Your ship is stranded...

Book Review: What It Feels Like for a Girl

by Paris Lees Particular Books (Penguin), 2021 Although the author of this memoir has transitioned gender, this book is not primarily about that aspect of...

Book review: The Reason I Jump

by Naoki Higashide Translated by KA Yoshida and David Mitchell Sceptre (Hodder and Stoughton), 2013 If you want a book that will challenge your assumptions...